Project for Modernization of Bukgoseong-Gun Onjeong-Ri People`s Hospital
Date :
May 10, 2016
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KOFIH agreed to promote a cooperative healthcare project in Gangwon-Do region of North Korea. Initially, a project to modernize Onjeong-Ri People`s Hospital located at Bukgoseong-Gun within Gumgang Mt. region began.
When a flood hit during the previous summer, KOFIH provided medical supplies and flour(worth 150,000,000Won) to the flood-hit areas. KOFIH will replace electric apparatus, floors, ward entrances, and remodel facilities such as delivery room wallpapers and tempered glasses of hospital entrances in Onjeong-Ri People`s Hospital to enhance its conditions for treatment.
In this year, 30 medical equipment pieces for gynecological functions, medical consumables, and medical supplies will be sent. 2007 Project for Modernization of Onjeong-Ri People`s Hospital will be continuously promoted. In addition, a project to expand such support for healthcare into the areas of Bukgoseong-Gun is planned as well.
The population ratio in Onjeong-Ri regions of North Korea has been constantly increasing based on expansion of the Gumgang Mt. Tour Business. Therefore, it is now more convenient for South Korea to make an approach. Through this project for modernization of Onjeong-Ri People`s Hospital, a chance for North Korean residents in vicinity of Onjeong-Ri to receive better healthcare benefits will increase.
The North Korean residents in vicinity of Onjeong-Ri is approximately between 8,000 in 1,300 households and most of these households are involved in a farming industry. Onjeong-Ri People`s Hospital was established in 1983 and it consists of a building with measured area of 628㎡(190 Pyeong, 2 Floors). Onjeong-Ri People`s Hospital is a general hospital containing departments of gynecology/dentistry/internal medicine/surgery/pediatrics/Goryeo/Unit-charge.
The hospital`s dental surgery was established by `KOFIH` and is run by South Korean doctors twice a month during weekends under a purpose to treat North Korean residents. Treatment-seeking patients have been increasing.
Gumgang Mt. Business Division of Hyundai Asan has been providing power supply, sectional distribution support, and technical support to Onjeong-Ri People`s Hospital. Such provision is currently attracting attentions as a model of support for Healthcare in North Korea.