Visit of Mustapha Khammari, the Tunisia Ambassador to Korea, to KOFIH(April 8th)
Date :
May 10, 2016
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Tunisia is one of the most developed countries in regions of Arab/Africa. On April 8th(Thursday), Mustapha Khammari, the Tunisia Ambassador to Korea, visited KOFIH`s office located in Yoido of Seoul on April 8th(Thursday). He viewed a movie clip for commemoration of late Lee, Jong Wook, the former director general of WHO, and shared a discussion with Kan, Kwang Soo, the president of KOFIH.
In the meeting held based on the request made by Mustapha Khammari, the Tunisia Ambassador to Korea, Mustapha quoted "I heard about KOFIH`s projects through press reports and words from a friend of mine who serves in the Health department of Congo. I am very interested in KOFIH`s projects and that is why I am here" and he also quoted "I would like to seek an opportunity to share experiences in the development of medicine fields in South Korea and Tunisia`s medical human resources to train at South Korea`s leading medical institutions".
The friend serving in the Health Department of Congo and press reports mentioned by Mustapha Khammari, the Tunisia Ambassador to Korea, are the person from the Health Department of Congo who attended the protocol signing(March 30th) between KOFIH and the Health Department of Congo for KOFIH`s project to provide support for basic healthcare in Congo and the Yonhap News which reported that event.
With regards to the request made by Mustapha Khammari, the Tunisia Ambassador to Korea, Han Kwang Soo, the president of KOFIH quoted "KOFIH`s duty is to provide custom-built services to the nation in need based on South Korea`s experience of establishing a rapid development of economy in a short period of time" and he quoted "If there is a field in need of KOFIH`s assistance, please don`t hesitate to let us know".
Mustapha Khammari, the Tunisia Ambassador to Korea quoted "The medical facilities in Korea are highly qualified in many aspects including administration" and he also quoted (In terms of Tunisia seeking help from other country)The problem is that sometimes other countries consider Tunisia as a well-developed country" and repeatedly requested KOFIH`s provision of support. Mustapha Khammari, the Tunisia Ambassador to Korea quoted "Tunisia provides medical support for close neighbor countries such as Tanzania. However, as great power is needed for an airplane to take off, great power is required for Tunisia to fly at a higher level".