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KOFIH awarded "Action for AIDS` with "2nd Lee, Jong Wook`s Prize"
Date : May 10, 2016
Views : 1202
On May 20th, KOFIH awarded `Action for AIDS Singapore` with `Lee, Jong Wook`s Prize` co-run by KOFIH WHO during WHO`s 63rd general meeting held at UN Europe Headquarters located in Geneva of Switzerland Lee, Jong Wook`s Prize was established to commemorate performances of late Lee, Jong Wook, the former director general of WHO and the first Korea chief of international organization, who dedicated himself entirely to enhancing the world`s public health. This was the second prize after awarding the first prize in last year. The prize money was 100,000USD. To signify meanings of the prize to commemorate late Lee, Jong Wook, KOFIH manufactured and awarded a plaque in a form of aid containing late Lee, Jong Wook`s reflection during his lifetime and a case with Korea`s aesthetic. Han, Kwang Soo, the president of KOFIH quoted "I would like to congratulate `Action for AIDS Singapore` for being awarded of its efforts made for the public healthcare" and he also quoted "Once again, I would like to show my gratitude to the efforts made by Action for AIDS to provide support for developing countries just like late Lee, Jong Wook had done". `Action for AIDS Singapore` honored by the award is a community-based volunteer service institution established in 1988 and is a charity officially approved by the Singapore Government in 1994. This charity is mostly run by volunteers and it has been conducting activities to increase understanding and recognition on AIDS and HIV infections while providing support for HIV-infected patients and AIDS-infected patients. The person from `Action for AIDS Singapore` quoted "It is an honor to receive such monumental prize and Action for AIDS Singapore will cooperate with WHO to provide service". In the previous year`s ceremony, Late Lee, Jong Wook`s Prize was awarded to IDACIRC(Infection Diseases, AIDS and Clinical Immunology Research Center).