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Event held at the Kyungbok Palace Station to commemorate the 4th Anniversary of late Lee, Jong Wook`s Death
Date : May 10, 2016
Views : 1170
From June 25th to 30th, KOFIH hosted a memorial exhibition at the 2nd building of the Metro Art Gallery within the Kyungbok Palace Station on Seoul Subway Line 3 to commemorate the 4th anniversary of late Lee, Jong Woo`s death. The exhibition consisted of late Lee, Jong Wook`s bust unveiling ceremony, outstanding cases of support for foreign healthcare, and memorial UCC contest award ceremony. The exhibition was run in a dignified manner with presence of approximately 100 persons from healthcare fields and the bereaved of late Lee, Jong Wook`s. Late Lee, Jong Wook began his career in 1983 as the leader of Leprosy Extermination Team of WHO`s South Pacific Region. In 2003, he became the first Korean chief of international organization through his appointment as the 6th director general of WHO. He dedicated himself entirely to eradication of AIDS and prevention of avian influenza. During his tenure of office as the director general of WHO, he passed away on 22 May 2006. Han, Kwang Soo, the president of KOFIH quoted "To commemorate achievements of late Lee, Jong Wook`s and to follow his desires, organizations providing support for foreign healthcare were screened and awarded" and he also quoted "I hope this event becomes a chance not only for persons from healthcare fields but also for ordinary people to once again reminisce late Lee, Jong Wook". Professor Lee, Jong Oh(Myungji University), a younger brother of Dr. Lee, Jong Wook`s quoted "A bust was manufactured through this event and it was very thoughtful to award volunteers spread around the world". The photos showing activities conducted by late Lee, Jong Woo in his days as the director general of WHO were displayed at the memorial exhibition. In addition, pictures showing outstanding activities conducted by the awarded organizations were displayed and UCC movie clips directly produced by the youth were played as well. For about 10 days while this exhibition went on, approximately 50,000 people showed up. As a result of conducting a survey of 138 exhibition spectators on late Lee, Jong Wook, 75% of the subjects responded `yes` to the question asking rather or not they knew who late Lee, Jong Wook was and only 49% of the subjects knew the fact that late Lee, Jong Wook used to be the director general of WHO secretary general. However, 81% of the subjects responded `satisfied`, `proud to be Korean after the view`(44%), `ashamed for not recognizing late Lee, Jong Wook`(16%), and `I would live a life similar to late Lee, Jong Wook`s life`(16%). Overall, the event satisfaction was found to be quite high. KOFIH will be annually hosting this sort of events to inform late Lee, Jong Wook, the former director general of WHO. In addition, KOFIH will consistently conduct its projects to follow the desire of late Lee, Jong Wook`s.