Han, Kwang Soo, the president of KOFIH, receives the appointment certificate and begins full-fledged work(June 15th)
Date :
May 10, 2016
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Han, Kwang Soo, the 2nd president of KOFIH appointed on June 12th, received the appointment certificate from Jeon, Jae Hee, the Minister of Health, Welfare, and Family Affairs, on June 15th and began his full-fledged work.
Jeon, Jae Hee, the Minister of Health, Welfare, and Family Affairs, after giving out the appointment certificate quoted "The world is currently encountering economy crisis. However, poverty issues of the world must be taken care of immediately" and he also quoted "Have faith and work enthusiastically". Han, Kwang Soo, the president of KOFIH quoted "I will consider this opportunity as my final chance to serve both the country and the people. I will perform my very best".
Han, Kwang Soo, the president of KOFIH attended his appointment ceremony held at KOFIH`s Yoido Office in Seoul right after receiving the appointment certificate from the Minister of Health, Welfare, and Family Affairs. Han, Kwang Soo quoted "If the last 3 years were have been the time for KOFIH to establish its identity and to prepare for the future, the future time should be the time for KOFIH to leap towards `Disease-free World &Healthy Global World`. He then quoted to all staff members "Let us be together to face and approach towards the same place".