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Ceremony for Construction of Emergency Medical Center in Sri Lanka Avissawella Local Hospital(March 20th)
Date : May 10, 2016
Views : 1157
“This emergency medical center has become a very great present the nation of Sri Lank as the symbol for grant-type aid." Above line is the appreciation given by Mahinda Rajapakse, the president of Sri Lanka, to the representative of KOFIH who visited Sri Lanka to participate in this ceremony. On March 20th, opening and construction ceremony of Sri Lanka Avissawella Local Hospital was conducted. KOFIH organized a group of visitors to this ceremony including An, Hong Joon, a member of the National Assembly and the Ministry for Health, Welfare and Family Affairs, as the chief of representatives. From March 18th(Wednesday) to 23rd(Monday), this group organized by KOFIH visited Sri Lanka. On March 19th, Choi, Gi Chool, the Korean Ambassador to Sri Lanka, showed up for this ceremony and Mahinda Rajapakse, the president of Sri Lanka, after greeting the courtesy visit of An, Hong Joon, a member of the National Assembly, No, Kwang Ul, the secretary general of KOFIH, and Lee, Doo Ik, the director of Inha Clinic, evaluated the project for construction of emergency medical center at Avissawella Local Hospital, a construction conducted as part of the follow-up project for emergency disaster relief in foreign countries, as a `great present`. With the presence of Sri Lanka`s Minister of Housing Department, Mahinda Rajapakse, the president of Sri Lanka quoted "Korea and Sri Lanka have been sharing a long friendship and solid cooperation". He was very interested in increasing mutual understanding and goodwill between the two countries. He also mentioned his visit to Korea as the Minister in the past. After the establishment of diplomatic relations with Sri Lanka in 1997, South Korea has been conducting cost-free co-projects to provide funding of $35,000,000 to Sri Lank from 1991 to 2006. Prior to the Tsunami hit in 2004, projects were mainly based on small-scale programs, provision of distributions, and projects for training. However, based on the project to provide support for Tsunami-hit areas in Sri Lanka, the scale of supports dramatically increased. the provision of supports made from 2005 to 2006 covers 55% of the overall provision of supports made from 1991 to 2006. This was well-shown in the speech made by Mahinda Rajapakse, the president of Sri Lanka. A day prior to this ceremony, the president of Sri Lanka in charge of the representatives in his office quoted "The relationship between Korea and Sri Lanka has been developing from 30 years back and Korea has made great contributions to developing the economy of Sri Lanka". He also quoted "The ongoing civil war in norther regions is expected to end soon. Based on the visit of the representatives, I hope that recognition of Sri Lanka inclines in Korea to result more active investments of the companies in Korean on Sri Lanka". Considerable interests of the president of Sri Lanka and other high-ranking government officials were well-reflected by attendance of the Minister of Health and Nutrition, the Minister of Housing, the Minister for Development of City &Sacred Area, and the Governor of Western Region at the ceremony conducted on March 20th for construction of the building. On March 12th, since terror actions targeting armed conflicts between the Sri Lanka Government Forces and the Tamil Rebels outbreak frequently, the president of Sri Lanka instructed during the cabinet conference not to show up for public events without planning safety measures. This day`s event was run under strict securities including authorization of passing based on identification at the front entrance conducted by armed military personnel and police personnel. According to hospital personnel, they were scheduled to treat patients prior to this ceremony by opening the emergency medical center. However, intelligence stating that the rebels have attended this ceremony by simulating patients was received and that is why the opening of the emergency medical center was postponed to after the ceremony. An, Hong Joon, a member of the National Assembly, who attended the ceremony as the chief of representatives with regards to KOFIH`s projects quoted "The influence to be created by the emergency medical center at Avissawella Local Hospital will be greater than $800,000,000, the actual funding spent on construction of the building". He also praised the efforts made by KOFIH in increasing mutual understanding and goodwill between the two countries as well as its contributions to the international society. The government of South Korea has set its realization of `mature global nation` as the index of the government`s administration and `active contributions to resolving issues in the world` as the project of the government`s administration for practical diplomacy making contributions to the world while prioritizing national interests. The government of South Korea has established a mid-term ODA expansion plan to expand foreign aid in contrast to GNI by 0.15% in 2012 and 0.25% in 2015. It also has announced such plans to the international society to make contributions to achieving UN`s MDG`s in 2015, to consistency of potential developments, to eradication of the poverty of international society, and to expansion of ODA which suits South Korea`s economic feasibilities and national prestiges. The foreign aid of South Korea in contrast to GNI is 0.09%(approximation) in 2008 and 0.07% in 2007.