KOFIH conducts a project to eradicate parasites in island regions of Tanzania(January 30th ~ February 15th)
Date :
May 10, 2016
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For 17 days from January 30th(Friday) to February 15th(Sunday), KOFIH`s parasites eradication project team conducted a project to eradicate parasites in island regions(Zanzibar) of Tanzania. Africa has been encountering difficulties in its growth, development of cognition, and reproductive organs due to parasite infections. KOFIH signed MOU with the Health Department of Zanzibar in Tanzania to conduct this project to eradicate parasites. This project has been ongoing since February 2007.
During this period, KOFIH`s parasites eradication project team inspected 1,141 primary school students from 6 primary schools in Unguja Island and 4 primary schools in Pemba Island of parasite infections. Such examination consisted of three inspections of feces/urine/blood. The project team injected anthelmintic to eradicate parasites and also injected Schistosoma to intestines after examining the students.
During this visit, the project team not only conducted parasites eradication but also measured physical status of the students. When children are infected by parasites, hemorrhage or lack of nutrition may disturb their physical growth. Therefore, status of the children`s growth was examined. It is a form of monitoring on improvement of parasite infections after injecting anthelmintic. KOFIH`s parasites eradication project team measured height, weight, head size, chest size, and brachial size of 1,141 primary school students who were examined of parasites infections.
The project to support health in schools of Zanzibar by managing parasites has been attracting attentions from all countries of the world as well as WHO. During this visit, Mughiery, the Minister of Health Department of Zanzibar, directly visited Kilombero Primary School on February 3rd and showed his great interest. This event was broadcasted on local TV News.