Reopening of Uzbekistan Orta Chirchiq Children Hospital
Date :
May 10, 2016
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KOFIH, a government-involved organization providing free healthcare support to North Korea and developing countries, performed the reopening of Uzbekistan Orta Chirchiq Children Hospital on October 10th after completing its project of modernization which costed 550,000,000Won to provide facility modeling and medical instrument support.
Orta Chirchiq Children Hospital, a building with 2 floors and the gross area of 2581㎡(781 Pyeong), is run by 8 doctors, 45 nurses, and 103 employees. The hospital`s medical functions were barely nominal due to its inadequate facility environments. However, it has been remodeled into the best hospital for children in Uzbekistan based on KOFIH`s support.
In this event, Korean participants included Park, Jong Hwa, the president of KOFIH, Kim, Tae Hong, the chairman of health and welfare committee of the National Assembly, Lee, Sae Joong, the chairman of Community Chest of Korea, Mun, Mi Ran, a secretary general of Samsung Dream Scholarship Foundation, Kyun, Jae Min, the Uzbekistan Ambassador in Korea, and 12 other medical staff members. Uzbekistan participants included the government dignitaries, the deputy Prime Minister Svetoana, the president of `Soglom Avlod Uchun International Charity Foundation`, 33 scholarship holders sponsored by Samsung Dream Scholarship foundation, and approximately 300 on-site residents.
Including the medical students, certificates of scholarship(worth 22,000,000Won) were awarded to the 33 Uzbekistan scholarship holders nominated by Samsung Dream Scholarship Foundation.
Such support for Orta Chirchiq children Hospital reflects a significant meaning since it was initially co-promoted in Korea by KOFIH, a government-involved organization providing healthcare support, Community Chest of Korea, a private fund-raising organization, and Samsung Dream Scholarship Foundation, a private scholarship foundation. Such event is expected to result a major synergy effect in the future.
Park, Jong Hwa, the president of KOFIH, in his introduction quoted "Uzbekistan has approximately 200,000 overseas Koreans. Therefore, it is very meaningful and significant that we have modernized Orta Chirchiq Children Hospital to allow its proper medical functions" and he also quoted "Through the warmth of Korean people put into such hospital, we hope that the friendship between the two countries can grow stronger".
The deputy Prime Minister Svetoana in his welcoming speech quoted "A number of young patients have received major benefits based on the project performed by KOFIH to modernize the hospitals for children. Children with diseases are now able to receive treatments and they will maintain their health". He also quoted "Korea has become our close friend through this event".
In this reopening event, 12 medical staff members including Lee, In Seung, a director of Lee, In Seung Plastic Surgery, Lee, Jeong Soo, a director of Bom Plastic Surgery, Kang, Hee Mun, a director of Kang, Hee Mun Plastic Surgery, Oh, Sang Ah, a doctor of medical clinic of Dankook University, Lee, Soo Hyang, a doctor of medical clinic of Dankook University, Kim, Kyung Eun, a doctor of National Medical Clinic, and Jo, Dae Hyun, a chief of medical department of health of Bundangcha Hospital, performed a medical volunteer service in Orta Chirchiq Children Hospital from October 3rd to 12th. In addition, medical volunteer service to commemorate reopening of the hospital was conducted in Tashkent area by giving cleft lip operations to 27 children and treating approximately 400 patients.
The population rate of children under age of 14 is 35% in Uzbekistan and such rate is the highest rate in the Central Asia. However, the level of healthcare field in Uzbekistan is extremely inadequate.
Uzbekistan Government made a request to KOFIH to conduct a project to modernize Orta Chirchiq Children Hospital located in the Tashkent region through remodeling and medical equipment support. After reviewing the validity of it, KOFIH signed an agreement to promote such project when the president of Uzbekistan visited Korea in March 2005. The project was promoted under the sponsorship of Community Chest of Korea in 2006 and the construction was started/completed in January.