Provision of First Aid & CPR Education inOnjeong People`s Hospital
Date :
May 10, 2016
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On July 27th, KOFIH conducted a first aid and CPR education in Onjeong People`s Hospital and 10 medical staff members participated.
Kim, Ho Joong, a professor of emergency medical department of Sooncheonhyang Full-service Hospital well-known through KBS TV Program called `Crisis Escape No.1`, performed a lecture on life-saving and suffocation-managing methods. His exclusive humor and volubility made the lecture full of laughter. The data and educational tools used in this lecture were supported by each company and part of them were donated to actual localities.
On the other hand, professor Kim gave his lecture on first aid to approximately 60 Hyundai Ahsan employees to prepare them for any emergency situation such as injured patient from Gumgamg Mt. Tour.