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Margaret Chan, the Director General of WHO, Worships Late Lee, Jong Wook at His Grave in the Daejeon National Cemetery
Date : May 10, 2016
Views : 1032
Margaret Chan, the director general of WHO, kept such intimate relationship with Late Lee, Jong Wook visited Seoul on September 11th after attending WHO`s Western Pacific Region Jeju Event on September 9th. On September 12th, he visited the Daejeon National Cemetery to worship Late Lee, Jong Wook`s grave along with Park, Jong Hwa, the president of KOFIH. Margeret Chan, transferred from the Hyatt Hotel Seoul to the Daejeon National Cemetery under a police guard with two assistants and arrived at the grave of Late Lee, Jong Wook`s and shed tears in silence. In the warm weather of autumn, the secretary general of WHO mentioned that the surrounding view of Dr. Lee`s grave and the cemetery are very beautiful. Margeret Chan to the cemetery personnel quoted "Thank you very much for well-managing the grave of Dr. Lee, Jong Wook`s". In addition, he also quoted "This cemetery is where all men of national merits including Dr. Lee are enshrined. Such cemetery shall become a good place of education for the students learning to love their nation". The chief of cemetery who also attended this worship quoted "Dr. Lee Jong Wook would be pleased to know that the director general Margeret Chan has come for a visit from such a far place. Please do make Dr. Lee`s dream come true". Chan quoted "I`ve known Dr. Lee, Jong Wook for approximately 20 years and without him, I wouldn`t be standing at where I am as of today" and he also quoted "I will do my best to achieve the dream(Disease eradication & health enhancement for the mankind) of Dr. Lee, Jong Wook`s". Margeret Chan who visited Korea for the first time after becoming the director general of WHO returned to WHO headquarters in Geneva of Switzerland after visiting Dr. Lee, Jong Wook`s grave. She showed her gratitude to KOFIH for conducting projects to commemorate Late Lee, Jong Wook such as the Lee Jong Wook Prize, establishment of Lee, Jong Wook`s biography, and manufacturing of Lee, Jong Wook`s portrait in WHO headquarters.