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Provision of Emergency Medical Supplies to Flood-stricken Areas in North Korea
Date : May 10, 2016
Views : 1008
On August 23rd at the Ganchoen Government Complex front, KOFIH conducted a provision of emergency medical supplies and preventive disinfective supples along with persons from the Ministry of Health and Welfare, Korea Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association, and Multinational Pharmaceutical Company Korea Pfizer Inc. under a purpose to prevent and treat diseases for North Korean people in flood-stricken North Korean areas. On this day`s event, Byun, Jae Jin, the Minister of Health and Welfare, Mun, Kyung Tae, a vice president of the Korea Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association, Ahmet Goksun, the president of Korea Pfizer Inc., and No, Gwang Ul, the secretary general of KOFIH showed up. The supplies of this provision(worth 500,000,000Won) included 15 medical supplies and 5 preventive/disinfective supplies. The purpose for providing such medical supplies is to cure waterborne epidemic, skin diseases, cholera, typhoid infection, diarrhea, and respiratory infections. KOFIH and the Ministry of Health and Welfare respectively spent 190,000,000Won and 170,000,000Won to purchase medical supplies for this provision. Korea Pfizer Inc., purchased antibiotic(worth 120,000,000Won) and Korea Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association purchased insecticide(worth 27,000,000Won) for this provision. In particular, Korea Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association will purchase medical supplies(worth 200,000,000Won) for the secondary provision. On August 24th, KOFIH will be sending 9 trucks(11-ton respectively) filled with medical supplies to North Korea to provide support for flood-stricken areas in North Korea such as Gangwon-Do Hwepyeong-Gun, Pyeonggang-Gun, Wonsan-Si, and Gumgang-Gun.