1st Commemorative Ceremony of Late Lee, Jong Wook`s Death
Date :
May 10, 2016
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On May 22nd, KOFIH conducted the first commemorative ceremony of late director general Lee, Jong Wook`s death. Late Lee, Jong Wook regretfully passed away without completing his term of office as the director general of WHO. In this commemorative ceremony held at the Palace Hotel, approximately over 100 persons attended from government departments such as the Ministry of Health and Welfare, the Diplomatic Service, and the Ministry of Unification. In addition, leaders of healthcare organizations, academia personnel, bereaved, intimate friends, and diplomatic delegations attended the ceremony as well.
Commemorative image slides of Late Lee, Jong Wook`s during his tenure of office as the director general of WHO were shown and time to rediscover his devotion and passion was shared. The ceremony established solemness. Kwon, Lee Hyuk, the honorary president of KOFIH and teacher of Late Lee, Jong Wook`s, Kim, Tae Hong, the chief of Health and Welfare Committee of National Assembly, and Lee, Jong Gu, the chief of Disease Management Headquarters, meditated and commemorated Late Lee, Jong Wook`s noble achievements.
After the commemorative ceremony took place in the Palace Hotel, a worship and gravestone unveiling ceremony were performed in Men of National Merit Grave Boundary of Daejeon National Cemetery where Late Lee, Jong Wook was enshrined.
Shin, Young Soo, an intimate friend and medical school professor of Seoul National University, expressed his reminiscence and quoted "Late Lee, Jong Wook stood at the very top by dedicating himself to the poor. How unforgettable is it that he passed away when he was just about to spread his noble dream. In particular, his leadership and humanity during his short tenure of office built the greatest achievements throughout the 50 years of WHO`s history and he shall be longed for" (Picture Above)
On the gravestone of Late Lee, Jong Wook`s, his message spoken to the young interns at WHO Secretariat in Geneva is written as follows.
“We will move forward towards the goal of health for all. Together, learning from the past, we can change the future of global public health.”