Support for Onjeong-Ri People`s Hospital
Date :
May 10, 2016
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From December 12th to 14th, No, Kwang Ul, the secretary general of KOFIH, visited Onjeong-Ri People`s Hospital located near Gumgang Mt in Bukgoseong-Gun along with other interested parties of Song, Gyea Seung, the president of the Sungnam Medical Association, Park, Woong Sup, a Medical College professor of Kwandong University, and members of the Ministry of Unification.
During this visit, an inspection was conducted on remodeling of the facilities supported by KOFIH such as electric apparatus, floors, ward entrances, delivery room wallpapers, and hospital tempered glasses. Then 174 medical supplies(57 medical instrument/equipment, 38 delivery sets, 4 medical furniture, and 75 consumables) including medical equipment/furniture, and consumables for gynecological functions were sent. In addition, educational support for the use of such supplies was provided as well.
39 medical instrument/equipment, 20 delivery sets, and 2 medical furniture of all medical supplies were supported based on repairing of used supplied which were donated. KOFIH will constantly promote modernization of Onjeong-Ri People`s Hospital in 2007. In addition, KOFIH also has plans to expand such project into provision of support for healthcare in Bukgoseong-Gun areas.
Secretary General No Kwang Ul, an ex-gynecologist, used ultrasonic equipment to treat 15 patients including a pregnant North Korean woman and received positive responses.