Opening Ceremony for the 4th North Korea Healthcare Support Academy (May 12)
Date :
Dec 30, 2016
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The Korea Foundation for International Healthcare, KOFIH, held the opening ceremony of the 4th North Korea Healthcare Support Academy at the KOFIH headquarters in Seoul, Korea, on May 12. Since launched in 2013, the Academy has offered educational programs to strengthen the capabilities of institutions, organizations, and employees involved in North Korea healthcare support including policy and planning experts.
The 4th Academy, both abound in diversity and expertise, started with a lecture on “healthcare status of North Korea,” by KOFIH President Ihn Yohan, who has dedicated his efforts to improving North Korea’s healthcare.
The Academy has continued for 4 years and will close after the development cooperation workshop for North Korea healthcare which will be held from the upcoming July 22 to 23.